Taking A Leap Towards The Future, Twenty Years Will Matter

Mark Twain...Leap Towards The Future

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain
Mark Twain...Leap Towards The Future
Mark Twain…Leap Towards The Future

Taking A Leap Towards Future for Success

As a Writer, Humorist, Entrepreneur, Publisher, and Lecturer, Mark twain has played an essential role in the history of humanity and focused towards future. Since the time centuries ago, his ideas and understanding for the society is remarkable. In fact, he is called as the “greatest humorist the United States had ever produced”, and William Faulkner called him “The father of American literature”. Turning sophisticated ideas into simplistic way was his art. His quotation, Taking A Leap Towards The Future, Twenty Years Will Matter……, is depicting one of them. So, while taking a leap towards the future, twenty years will matter.

Choosing the right path
Choosing The Right Path

Choosing the right path

Making deliberate choices for the right path and doing what is required for now, to secure our future in the best way possible is our duty. By doing so we ensure the best part for whole of the our society. Societal norms are always in an evolutionary phase. They are one of the key factor for our success. These norms form principles, based on customs and traditions which has potentiality to affect us as we all are social human beings. They need to be monitored carefully. Taking a leap is definitely worthwhile.

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